The Fire Pit is my New Space Heater

I’ve never been winter’s biggest fan. It’s cold and requires many layers of clothing. The more layers of clothing, the more constricted my movement. My 2 space heaters are my most beloved cold-weather pals. I have a variable cornucopia of light, fluffy blankets, but a personal space heater allows for weightless warmth!

It’s a tricky thing, having only the finest of motor skills… There are countless nuances that can “throw off your groove.”

One of them being layers. While it is true that layering blankets and/or clothing increases warmth and overall comfort/coziness, they can also be heavy (or a good workout) to someone with limited physical mobility. I have all I can do to lift my hand into my mouse; if you add a 0.25oz blanket to that, it’s exhausting to do repeatedly! Then I have to rest in between movements… Inefficient.

With my precious space heaters, I can quickly warm up my hands after arriving to work, as well as keep warm while watching Merlin (our “winter show”) and farting around on my phone.

Now that it’s finally starting to feel like spring, Jerry and I have spent quite a few evenings enjoying our makeshift fire pit. …In our new yard! We moved into our home in late October, so I didn’t get a chance to spend any time in the yard — too cold. This past winter seemed to drag on for eons, especially when there was a whole ‘nother unexplored realm of our brand new home and… It’s covered in snow, and ice… And encased in unrelenting arctic temperatures. …Ahhh, save me, sweet space heater.

Now, the outdoor fire pit is my space heater… My spring/summer night space heater… I like this one better.